Our Story

Zachary, Kim, Chad and Sierra Spangler - May 2021

In 2012, Chad Spangler returned to the farm where he grew up to continue the family farm business. His parents, Tim and Carol Spangler were ready to retire. After Tim retired from GM in 90’s he and Carol transitioned the once grain/hog farm to a grain/produce farm. It all started with growing sweet corn for his family and a few neighbors. Quickly word got out, demand was there, so an honor system wagon in the driveway with sweet corn began. As the years passed, Tim and Carol began to add more and more to the honor system wagon. Growing sweet corn led to tomatoes, onions, green beans and more. It wasn’t long after that a produce shed was added to the wagon and regular hours were set and staffed. Pumpkins and decorations soon became popular items also. Fast forward to the 2012 season when Chad, Kim and their 2 children (Zachary and Sierra) moved back to the farm to continue the farmer’s market. The gardens and market space have continued to grow in size each year. High tunnel houses have been added to extend the growing season of several popular crops. Additional sheds have been added to accommodate the sales side of the market. Come fall the entire market area is filled with our pumpkin crop along with mums, we now grow ourselves. A sunflower patch, craft shed, and hayrides are some of the newest additions to the market experience at Spangler Farms Market.

2020 / 2021 and Covid-19 have been a challenge, but we thank our dedicated customers for their support of our farm fresh market. We were outside, socially distanced, masked up and still able to enjoy a little bit of a normal summer and fall. We can’t wait to see you this coming 2023 season!

 Looking back over the years: